





Skillfully talk to ANY girl at ANY TIME... 

While conveying irresistible, attractive confidence...

WITHOUT FREEZING UP by reprograming your mind with the Power of HYPNOSIS & NLP

Skillfully talk to ANY girl at ANY TIME... 

While conveying irresistible, attractive confidence...

WITHOUT FREEZING UP by reprograming your mind with the Power of HYPNOSIS & NLP

The biggest challenge for many would-be PUA’s is mastering inner-game. Lots of guys freeze up, get stage fright, approach anxiety, or whatever you want to call it, the moment they even THINK about talking to a hot girl. 

That was me too until I took a good hard look at the problem. The obstacle is the lizard part of our brains. The part that has yet to evolve with modern times. The part that activates our fight, flight, or freeze response because it MISTAKENLY believes that talking to a hot girl is dangerous. And that sucks!

In other words, it wasn’t my fault and it’s NOT YOUR FAULT either! It’s just how our brains are naturally wired. 

So, is it possible to actually re-wire our brains to “fix” this evolutionary flaw?


The biggest challenge for many would-be PUA’s is mastering inner-game. Lots of guys freeze up, get stage fright, approach anxiety, or whatever you want to call it, the moment they even THINK about talking to a hot girl. 

That was me too until I took a good hard look at the problem. The obstacle is the lizard part of our brains. The part that has yet to evolve with modern times. The part that activates our fight, flight, or freeze response because it MISTAKENLY believes that talking to a hot girl is dangerous. And that sucks!

In other words, it wasn’t my fault and it’s NOT YOUR FAULT either! It’s just how our brains are naturally wired. 

So, is it possible to actually re-wire our brains to “fix” this evolutionary flaw?




Buy "Crush Approach Anxiety and Master Inner Game With Hypnosis" for only $97 AND get "Fast Approach Anxiety FIX with NLP" for FREE!

Programming BOTH your conscious AND subconscious minds into the ALPHA-ATTRACTION MALE version of YOU! 

Buy "Crush Approach Anxiety and Master Inner Game With Hypnosis" for only $97 AND get "Fast Approach Anxiety FIX with NLP" for FREE!

Programming BOTH your conscious AND subconscious minds into the ALPHA-ATTRACTION MALE version of YOU! 



Copyright © MentalUpgrades.com 2020. All rights reserved.

Copyright © MentalUpgrades.com 2020. All rights reserved.


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As a professional hypnotist & NLP practitioner for the past 18-years, I had been using hypnosis to help my clients lose weight, quit smoking, reduce stress, etc. And it worked. How did it work? By re-wiring or reprogramming their minds. Not their full brains, but the most powerful part of their minds. The subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is where ALL of our fears and phobias live and the fastest, and most effective way to change our subconscious minds is hypnosis.

So, I created a self-hypnosis recording to see if it would cure my own approach anxiety. And guess what? It worked! And, it worked FAST!

For years, I kept this to myself because I didn’t think anyone else would be interested. I felt like I was the only one who had so much paralyzing fear when it came to opening a girl. Boy was I wrong! 


As a professional hypnotist & NLP practitioner for the past 18-years, I had been using hypnosis to help my clients lose weight, quit smoking, reduce stress, etc. And it worked. How did it work? By re-wiring or reprogramming their minds. Not their full brains, but the most powerful part of their minds. The subconscious mind.

The subconscious mind is where ALL of our fears and phobias live and the fastest, and most effective way to change our subconscious minds is hypnosis.

So, I created a self-hypnosis recording to see if it would cure my own approach anxiety. And guess what? It worked! And, it worked FAST!

For years, I kept this to myself because I didn’t think anyone else would be interested. I felt like I was the only one who had so much paralyzing fear when it came to opening a girl. Boy was I wrong! 

I found out later after telling a group of friends about it over drinks. They had been saying that I was lucky that I didn’t get nervous when talking to women. They ALL said that they feel massive approach anxiety, but noticed that I no longer do. I laughed and said, “That’s because I’ve been using a secret weapon.”

So I gave a copy to all of them…and BOOM…the next thing you know, we’re the coolest guys at every bar we hit. Surrounded by the hottest girls and looking like rockstars. We weren’t rockstars though. In fact, most of us were pretty nerdy, but the girls certainly didn’t think so.

I recently met the girl of my dreams and we ended up getting married. I’m happier than ever and have decided to finally share my secret hypnotic recipe with the PUA community. 

You see, I know how it feels to freeze-up and I don't want you to feel that way EVER again!

I found out later after telling a group of friends about it over drinks. They had been saying that I was lucky that I didn’t get nervous when talking to women. They ALL said that they feel massive approach anxiety, but noticed that I no longer do. I laughed and said, “That’s because I’ve been using a secret weapon.”

So I gave a copy to all of them…and BOOM…the next thing you know, we’re the coolest guys at every bar we hit. Surrounded by the hottest girls and looking like rockstars. We weren’t rockstars though. In fact, most of us were pretty nerdy, but the girls certainly didn’t think so.

I recently met the girl of my dreams and we ended up getting married. I’m happier than ever and have decided to finally share my secret hypnotic recipe with the PUA community. 

You see, I know how it feels to freeze-up and I don't want you to feel that way EVER again!

I’ve produced the ultimate version of a self-hypnosis audio recording that’s specifically designed to crush approach anxiety. It will boost your self-confidence to the highest level, and have you approaching any girl of your choosing at a moment’s notice…without your lizard brain kicking in and sabotaging your efforts!

I call it “Pickup-Hypnosis.” IT combines 18-years of hypnosis experience with everything that I’ve learned about approach anxiety, inner game, & pickup, and created the perfect hypnotic session for building total pickup confidence.

Who is this for? Anyone who wants to meet attractive women with complete confidence.

What does it do? It re-wires your subconscious mind to feel confident opening and talking to beautiful women.

How will this transform your life? Imagine the possibilities when you’re able to walk right up to ANY girl in ANY situation while exuding total confidence that will drive her wild!

I’ve produced the ultimate version of a self-hypnosis audio recording that’s specifically designed to crush approach anxiety. It will boost your self-confidence to the highest level, and have you approaching any girl of your choosing at a moment’s notice…without your lizard brain kicking in and sabotaging your efforts!

I call it “Pickup-Hypnosis.” IT combines 18-years of hypnosis experience with everything that I’ve learned about approach anxiety, inner game, & pickup, and created the perfect hypnotic session for building total pickup confidence.

Who is this for? Anyone who wants to meet attractive women with complete confidence.

What does it do? It re-wires your subconscious mind to feel confident opening and talking to beautiful women.

How will this transform your life? Imagine the possibilities when you’re able to walk right up to ANY girl in ANY situation while exuding total confidence that will drive her wild!

How does it work? The hypnosis recording will relax your mind & body so that it becomes open to suggestion. 

You will then be given self-confidence building suggestions designed specifically for talking to women. In addition, you'll be able to give yourself a turbo-boost of confidence whenever it’s needed by using an anchor or trigger phrase that will be embedded during your sessions.

Does hypnosis actually work? Yes. The effectiveness of hypnosis is backed by years of evidence-based research.

How is it delivered? You will get INSTANT access to the member’s portal and be able to start transforming your dating confidence TODAY.

How does it work? The hypnosis recording will relax your mind & body so that it becomes open to suggestion. 

You will then be given self-confidence building suggestions designed specifically for talking to women. In addition, you'll be able to give yourself a turbo-boost of confidence whenever it’s needed by using an anchor or trigger phrase that will be embedded during your sessions.

Does hypnosis actually work? Yes. The effectiveness of hypnosis is backed by years of evidence-based research.

How is it delivered? You will get INSTANT access to the member’s portal and be able to start transforming your dating confidence TODAY.



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